• Drama
  • 12 episodes x 12 minutes

July 1, 2024. A group of eco-terrorists, renders the main dump in the city of Montreal unusable. The goal: to make Montrealers realize that they produce too much waste, but above all to change their lifestyle.

In a dystopian Montreal where garbage takes up all the space, an entrepreneur mother is ready to do anything except change in order to protect her son.


Alexa-Jeanne Dubé, Jeanne Roux-Côté, Iani Bédard, Richard Fréchette, Sébastien Huberdeau, Cynthia Wu-Maheux, Ted Pluviose, Antoni Rémillard, Véronique Isabel Filion and Anglesh Major


Arianne Maynard-Turcotte and Maryse Paradis


Pierre-Luc Miville


Koze Productions inc.


December, 2022


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