• Drama
FEUX Production: Amalga productions Writer: Serge Boucher Feux is the story of Claudine Grenier and Marc Vézina, reunited by chance after more than 30 years. When she was a teenager, Claudine used to babysit Marc. The boy was secretly madly in love with her until one day, his mother died in a fire that started immediately after Claudine left the house. Now, convinced that Claudine is the love of his life, he wants to win her heart, despite the fact that he's living with a woman and is the father of a little boy and that Claudine, a successful businesswoman, is happily married with children. Charmed and touched by Marc's interest in her, as she approaches 50, will Claudine allow herself a fling, a brief affair before returning to her normal life? Will Claudine and Marc live a double life?​​   DISTRIBUTION   TYPE: Dramatic Serie DURATION: 10 X 43 minutes YEAR OF PRODUCTION: 2016 LANGUAGE: Français DIRECTOR: Claude Desrosiers ACTORS: Maude Guérin, Alexandre Goyette, Camille Felton, Fanny Mallette, Daniel Brière, Denis Bernard BROADCASTER: RADIO-CANADA TÉLÉ AVAILABLE RIGHTS: TV, EST, VSD AVAILABLE TERRITORIES: World, except Canada AVAILABLE VERSION: French BROADCASTING / MARKET SHARE: Broadcasting primetime, 23% of market share iTUNES:https://geo.itunes.apple.com CRITICS QUOTATIONS: “Après le Nordic noir, le thriller scandinave exporté partout, voici le boréalien gris, tout aussi distinct et alléchant, qu'on souhaite à tous de découvrir et d'apprécier...” - Stéphane Baillargeon, Le Devoir

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