ICI TOU.TV is the number one platform in Canada for on-demand, French-language video streaming.

Viewers come here for access to programming from the entire Radio-Canada ecosystem, in addition to shows from numerous national and international partners, including Télé-Québec, TV5 Unis TV, RTBF, France TV, L'Office national du film du Canada and AMI TÉLÉ. Whether they are using their smartphone, tablet, computer or smart TV, plugged-in viewers can check out reruns of their favourite shows, web series, recent and classic films, documentaries and children's shows. Viewers can also subscribe to ICI TOU.TV EXTRA, which provides members-only a first-view access to TV series and films, plus access to the exclusive VÉRO.TV platform.

Overall, ICI TOU.TV attracts 11 million monthly views in Canada. It's especially appealing to viewers who attended university and have a higher household income. ICI TOU.TV is the preferred platform for reaching out to a young, educated and tech-savvy audience.


• Branded content video

• Sponsorship of shows

• Themed opportunities (example: Création ICI TOU.TV présenté par)

• Product placements in shows

• Channel partnerships (Contests on ICI TOU.TV and Véro.tv)

• Commercial video on catch-up and live shows

Adults 25-54 years old
Managers, owners and professionals
14.2 million monthly views

Research Department

Source (UV): Comscore, Canada, January-March 2024 (monthly average), compared to same period in 2023, multiplatform. UV = unique visitors/viewers. Source (Views): Adobe Analytics, January-March 2024 (monthly average) compared to same period in 2023, site and apps (live + playback). Source (Age Profile): Comscore, Quebec, January-March 2024 (monthly average), multiplatform, A25-54. Source (Other Profile): Vividata, spring 2024 survey, Quebec A18+, visited ICI TOU.TV (site/app) in past month. *MOPE: Managers, owners and professionals. **Parents with kids under 12

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  • Advertising plan developed with a sales specialist
  • Strategies tailored to specific objectives
  • Campaigns broadcast within a multiplatform ecosystem
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  • Digital ad-buying platform
  • Customized targeting and performance tracking
  • Available 24/7
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