Delivery procedures for Commercial Material & Traffic instructions
The Radio-Canada Traffic team wishes to accompany you in the success of your production and delivery of television commercials. Here are the steps to follow:
STEP 1: Commercial Material
Commercial material must meet our technical specifications for commercial messages intended for broadcast on all Radio-Canada television stations. As of September 1, 2014, all messages must be closed captioned. Material, traffic instructions and Telecaster approval should be made available 5 days prior to the first broadcast date whenever possible.
For more details: Technical specifications
STEP 2: Telecaster approval
Radio-Canada requires Think TV (free) approval for all commercials airing on Radio-Canada owned and operated Television stations. All commercial material must have Telecaster approval prior to air date. It remains your best tool to ensure the legality of your message, which is your responsibility. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation reserves the right to require its legal compliance before broadcasting.
For more information see here
To create a profile, please visit this link and use the “Register” button.
Metadata required
Whether it is for sending you commercial materials or for sending your traffic instructions, the following information is needed:
• Advertiser: Client's name
• Title: Title or description of Commercial
• AdID: Explanation below
• Duration: The length of the commercial
• Telecaster #: Approval number
What is an AdID / ISCI?
AdID (advertisement Identification) is a unique identification code associated with every single television commercial. This code is composed of a series of letters and numbers, and is given by the client / producer / agency. The AdID does not correspond to the spot title but the spot title can appear in the AdID. It is absolutely necessary that every commercial we receive also has an AdID. If your production house already uses a unique code to keep track of internal productions, you may use this code in the creation of your AdID. No special character is accepted (%, #, ? etc.).
At Radio-Canada, we accept an AdID with a maximum of 30 characters.
To learn more see here
STEP 3: Preferred delivery methods
Radio-Canada recommends the use of these paid delivery services:
It is also possible to send your material by Faspex (free) which now replaces our FTP (acs.radio-canada.ca).
For all inquiries, please email modalite@radio-canada.ca. Only one invitation request is required per person the first time you need to create an account.
All commercials must be closed-captioned (.scc files or embedded into video files). Commercials without voice over and containing only music still require closed captioning: meaning a musical note ♪ or the word “music” must appear in the closed captioning throughout the entirety of the commercial. The timecode and the name of the .scc file must be the same as the video.
STEP 4: Traffic instructions
Please send us your traffic instructions via our form.
Regardless of whether or not you use this form, make sure your traffic instructions contain the following for example:
No special character is accepted (%, #, ? etc.)
STEP 5: Advertising standards
Our Advertising Code team will ensure that the commercial does not violate the corporate Programming policies.
Revised spots
Our deadlines
Questions? Please contact modalite@radio-canada.ca or sophie.jubinville@radio-canada.ca
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