AdID (advertisement Identification) is a unique identification code associated to every single television commercial
Useful information.
AdID (advertisement Identification) is a unique identification code associated to every single television commercial. This code is composed of a series of letters and numbers, and is given by the client / producer / agency. The AdID does not correspond to the spot title but the spot title can appear in the AdID. It is absolutely necessary that every commercial we receive also has an AdID. If your production house already uses a unique code to keep track of internal productions, you may use this code in the creation of your AdID.
At Radio-Canada, we accept an AdID with a maximum of 30 characters.
AdID (Example 1) :
AdID (Example 2) :
Other examples of AdIDs:
ED3-015-2019-30F | GOO-0229-T15F |
PM-2459-NOEL-30F | MOP-19T15F-001 |
UPSP19303CAFH | HYEL-095-9H30F |
CC-29819-T15F | IMSP-1905-003-15FRT |
DCA0979T30RT2 | BM-230-0519-MIX1-A-30F-TV |
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