Season: 2025
Jennifer Podemski
Vance Banzo, Matt Kippen, Amber-Sekowan Daniels, Jennifer Podemski
Jennifer Podemski, Darren Metz, Quinton Nyce, Michael Tanko Grand, Stephen Hegyes, Simon Barry, Vance Banzo, Matt Kippen, Bhavika Mantri
Information to come
Information to come
Information to come
Information to come
The not even true, real life story of the Indigenous hip hop sensation Snotty Nose Rez Kids chronicling their tireless hustle and chaotic journey to stardom.
The series is inspired by the lives of best friends Quinton and Darren, who move from their remote Haisla Nation to the big city of Vancouver to chase their hip hop dreams. Throughout a series of misadventures they lean on their newfound community to kick start their career as the Snotty Nose Rez Kids.
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