• Comedy
  • Season 3
  • 10 episodes X 30 minutes

As Christian (Christian Bégin) tries to adapt to the dictates of campus political correctness, the arrival of Martin (Normand Daneau) as the latest emotional castaway stirs up more trouble in the household. Between the many romantic twists and turns of Martin and Sophie (Nathalie Malette); the dating adventures of Étienne (Yanic Truesdale) in his quest for love; the arrival of Sylvie, Christian's charming ex and mother of Sébastien (Alexandre Nachi); the premature death of Steak (Stéphane Breton); and an unexpected pregnancy, our fab four find themselves back for a second season having to navigate the realities of life on the wrong side of 50.

Adding to the mix are the slowly but surely declining health of Colette (Béatrice Picard), Christian's mother, and the arrival of a new assistant manager for Étienne, a single mother whose child awakens his own paternal instincts. In short, being in your fifties is no picnic – for the second year in a row.


Christian Bégin, Normand Daneau, Alexis Martin & Yanic Truesdale


Ricardo Trogi


Winter 2023


Wednesday 9 PM

Season 3:

Release October, 2022


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