• Factual

This is the mystery of Gerald Cotten, the founder & CEO of Quadriga -- Canada's biggest Bitcoin exchange. A computer nerd who had made a fortune trading in cryptocurrency. When it was reported he had died - while on Honeymoon in India, it emerged he was the only person who held the passwords to the tens of thousands of accounts holding all the company's funds... cryptocurrency and cash worth a quarter of a billion US.

No one could get their money. Lost pensions, life savings. That was 2018. Law enforcement agencies across the globe - including the RCMP and the FBI - began investigations.

Today there are creditors committed to finding the truth... and many of whom question whether Gerald Cotten is actually dead. A story with international intrigue... this podcast would be about a dead or missing man, the lost fortunes of investors, the bitcoin bubble - and an industry that criminals love.

Listen here


Takara Small


May 2021


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