• Drama
  • Season 3
  • 8 episodes X 12 minutes

Following a radical change in her body, Sarah must reconsider what it means to be a woman while charting a new path for her life.

The default life plan of settling down and having kids is now out of the question. So two options are available to her: lead a more predictable life with a man she's never really stopped loving, or embark on a brand new relationship along with all the uncertainties that entails.

Sarah is at a crossroads. But one thing is certain – she'll never make conventional choices to please others or live up to expectations that aren't hers.


Sarah-Maude Beauchesne, Magalie Lépine-Blondeau, Guillaume Laurin, Iannicko N'Doua, Alice Pascuale, Camille Léonard et Jean-Philippe Perras


Attraction image

Digital Original on ICI TOU.TV:

Season 1 and 2: Online
Season 3: Release November 2021


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